Kahviklapi's are now in pre-order!
To celebrate launch, the first 100 packages are 50% off!
Coffee Log - Effortless Heating from the Circular Economy
At Paahtu, we give used coffee grounds a new life. We collect coffee grounds from local businesses and turn them into coffee logs — an entirely new type of firewood that burns hotter, longer, and more evenly than traditional wood.
Whether it’s a fireplace, a cottage sauna, or heating a hot tub, Coffee Log makes heating easier and more efficient. It lights quickly and burns for a long time, so you don’t have to keep adding logs to the fire. This allows you to enjoy steady warmth without unnecessary hassle.
Coffee Log also represents the best of circular economy practices — we don’t cut down trees but instead utilize coffee waste from businesses that would otherwise go to waste. Choose our innovation that combines coffee and heat in a unique way and takes heating to a more sustainable level.
Try Coffee Log — the Roasters and Nature Thank You!
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Why use kahviklapi instead of regular firewood?
Below, you can see how Kahviklapi compares to the characteristics of birch firewood
We are the winner of the 2024 FRUSH start-up competition
Winning frush gave us the boost we needed to launch our business!
No More Coffee Grounds in the Trash
Finns are famously passionate coffee drinkers. Coffee brings people together and sparks memories. However, the flip side of this passion is that around 66 million kilos of coffee grounds end up in the trash every year. We decided to save coffee grounds from the waste bin and give them a new purpose!
Finland is struggling to meet its 2030 sustainability goals, and one of the reasons for this is the decline in biodiversity, heavily impacted by deforestation. Through our efforts, we hope to promote a more sustainable future and preserve nature for future generations.
where it all began
The founder of Paahtu used to spend a lot of time in cafes with his wife, and during these visits, the idea of Kahviklapi was brewing in his mind. At the end of their cafe visits, they would ask employees where the coffee grounds went, and the answer was always the same – they ended up in biowaste. The couple took the used grounds with them and developed a prototype in their own kitchen.
As seen on
“Kun pyysin ensimmäisen kerran kahvinpuruja, työntekijä yritti tarjota jauhettua kahvia. Selitin, että tarvitsen jätteet, en tuoretta kahvia. Hämmästyneenä hän antoi säkillisen kahvijätettä. Nyt minut tunnetaan siellä Kahvinpurumiehenä.”

”Bahez Karimin yritys loi kahvista tehdyn klapin, jota voi polttaa vaikka takassa tai nuotiolla – Tavoitteena on tehdä yrityksestä kansainvälinen”

” Opinnot Forssassa saivat Bahez Karimin miettimään ympäristöä. Opiskellessaan hän sai tehtäväkseen pohtia, millainen olisi kaupunki, joka ei tuottaisi lainkaan jätettä.”

“With an eye on helping Finland reach its carbon neutrality goals, the team is hoping to make people’s lives easier by taking advantage of Finns’ prodigious coffee drinking habit.”

We had the exciting opportunity to appear on the Rudaw TV & New Rozh program, where we discussed the potential of expanding our business idea to the Middle East. Dive into the conversation to learn more about our vision and future plans for this dynamic region.

Our blog is a place where we share more about our company values and innovations. Stay tuned!
Do you want to know more about the product? Are you interested in collaboration? Does your company throw away a lot of coffee grounds? Or do you just have questions?
Our supporters along the way
These partnerships have been an important part of Paahtu's early journey